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Shaving & Grooming


A brand that is well-known for it’s household products, but also for grooming and shaving. Their belief is: Good design is simple, useful and built to last. I’ve had the honour to work 3,5 years on this client. The part that I’ve done the most was creating imagery/content for all their shaving/grooming products. Variating from webshop imagery with specific specs to printable leaflets. Have a look below to see what I’ve done for the Series 8 and Series 9 Pro.


We always had to work in a standardised and automated way, which meant that we had to use certain templates with margins for consistency purposes. We’ve also used an automation tool in combination with a python terminal and a component sheet. This allowed us to collect and store all imagery automatically in folders. It also generated editable PSD files and flattened files such as JPG’s and PNG’s. This saved us a lot of time and so we could upload all folders immediately to the brandstore of the client.

eFMOT (Amazon)

eFMOT is one of the biggest deliverables within a Braun campaign. It’s basically the product page that comes to live on Amazon. Each product page contains specific imagery, such as: Primary, Secondary and Rich Content images. I was asked to create a solid, good base and create a strong overall look-and-feel for each campaign. Each product had it’s own SKU’s (different bundles and/or colours) so I had to follow up with an entire adaptation roll-out.


For each Braun campaign, I’ve also created endframes for commercials. I’ve had to make them in three different ratio’s, such as: 16:9, 9:16 and 1:1 including different versions. Simply because of the different bundles of the products. 

MSDB Template

Sometimes I had to develop a Mobile First template (MSDB) for the Japanese markets. It actually takes the Japanese consumers on a digital experience to get to know all the ins-and-outs of a brand new product and/or accessory.

R&R Leaflet

One of the other deliverables for each Braun campaign is an R&R leaflet, which is meant for a consumer panel that has been selected by the client. It can be anyone who volunteers. They are actually the ’test’ panel that will review the product and its features. As a test panelist you’re supposed to place your honest review on the product page that is live on Amazon.


Banners are also part of a Braun campaign which comes in Multi- and Single frame banners in several sizes. These were the ‘Master’ sizes (300×250/120×600/728×90) I’ve had to set up and eventually needed to be rolled out in 15 more additional sizes.

Keyvisuals Keyvisuals Keyvisuals Keyvisuals Keyvisuals Keyvisuals Keyvisuals