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Visual Identity

Johan Cruyff Foundation

The Johan Cruyff Foundation supports and develops sports activities for children all over the world. We focus on children in need. Through sports projects for children with a disability and projects like the Cruyff Courts and Schoolyard14 we create space for these children. Space to grow. Space to make friends. Space to improve physical and mental health. Space to become who you are.


I had the honour to come up with the entire new design direction for the Cruyff Foundation. I started from scratch and ended up with editorial, bulky style that looked sportive at the same time. The next step was to implement it all into a brand book that the client would use in the end for all of their deliverables.


For this new campaign we were asked to come up with a new visual identity for the Johan Cruyff Foundation. On top of that, the client wanted us to bring that to life through a brandbook as well, which I’ve created in the end as well.


I also had to set up a couple of advertisements for magazines. Completely based on the brand guidelines that we’ve set up.

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