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Family Mode 2023

Family Mode

In October 2022 we were briefed at TBWA\X to come up with an immersive digital app experience for families. McDonald’s main objective is: becoming the favourite restaurant for families. So we came up with a cool concept called: ‘Family Mode’. A feature in the app especially designed to help families connect with each other. While smartphones usually inhibit face-to-face connection, Family Mode uses phone technology to enable authentic moments together.

The journey

After approval from the client, we’ve worked together with ThisPage who’s done the development. And with success, because we were rewarded with a Webby ‘Best Game/Application 2024’ Award! Have a look at our campaign page as well.

Avatar Creator

Also part of Family Mode was the Avatar Creator. The feature that you could setup your own personal avatar. It was also possible to create avatars for your family members. Without asking for a lot of data, we made the avatars very personal thanks to the Avatar Creator. In addition to the family name, there are countless options to recreate your own family.


I’ve had the honour to create the design of the physical placemat that would be used as the interactive play board. The The main objective of the game was to save all the fries that were initially stolen at the restaurant. The flow of the PlayMat was divided in 6 parts that stood for 6 different characters: Albert Einstein, Ayrton Senna, Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, Martin Luther King and Hans Christian Anderson.


Each of them had their own storyline, specialty and unique item/object that made them iconic. TBWA\X has created the UX/UI and This Page was responsible for the development. The PlayMat had 6 different mini-games that were all related to the characters. A lot of variety such as solving puzzles and tapping games. TBWA\X came up with all the concepts for the games and has created the UX/UI screens. This Page was responsible for the development.

Table Challenge

I’ve also had the honour to create the whole design and icons for The Table Challenge. An exciting game filled with tricky questions and fun challenges for families to complete. TBWA\X has created the visual design and overall look-and-feel for the UI screens and This Page is responsible for the development.

App Content

McDonald’s also asked us to create content for in their app to push Family Mode. Basically each campaign has it’s own ‘Eigen Middelen’. This stood for: Herocards (top image of the landingspage), Bannercards (tiles below the Hero) and Deal Coupons (Bannercards within your Deal Tray. Last but not least, we also had to create several EDM’s that were used to push the campaign outside the app.

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