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Brian Hooi
MMA & Branding

Brian Hooi

Brian Hooi is an Antillian MMA-fighter who recently made his debut at Bellator. He’s already quite known in the scene and has contended in a lot of fights of King Of The Streets fights (KOTS). Brian’s nickname is ‘HOOIBOOI’ which emphasises his character in the ring. He didn’t had a visual identity before, so he reached out to me. It was a pleasure to come up with a unique identity, with a strong brand- and wordmark.

Visual Identity

I had the honour to create Brian’s visual identity. I’ve tried to make a strong and recognisable brand- and wordmark. His input was that he wanted to let the logo look ‘arcadish’ like a fighting game with some sort of StreetFighter/Tekken vibes in it. Below is the outcome which became his final logo in the end.

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