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Getaway Island 2022

Getaway Island

In May 2022 we were briefed at TBWA\X to come up with an immersive digital app experience for the end of the year during December. So we came up with a cool concept called: ‘Getaway Island’. The holiday season is fun, but it can also get a bit hectic. A virtual world filled with games, music, giveaways and delicious deals. Because let’s face it, December could use a bit of McDonald’s. I’ve had the honour to create the conceptvisual/keyvisual to sell the idea to the client.

The journey

After approval from the client, we’ve worked together with Colorbleed and 51North. Colorbleed has done all the character and area design from scratch. Together with 51North we worked on the UX/UI and the development. And with success, because we were rewarded with a Webby ‘People’s Voice’ Award! Have a look at our campaign page as well.

1 Island, 4 area’s

Within Getaway Island there were 4 unique area’s that were built in panoramic view. On a daily base there was a lot of variety, such as fun games, a music area with artist performances, cool merch drops and last but not least: crew access with special offers. Within the Game Area of Getaway Island there were 7 unique games to play on a weekly base with different prizes to win.

UI & Stamps

TBWA\X has created the visual design and overall look-and-feel for the UI screens. On top of that I’ve had the honour to create all kind of stamps that you could earn/unlock within the experience and were automatically added to your personal Getaway Island passport. Once you’ve unlocked them all, you automatically had the chance to win the main prize: a trip for 2 to the Northern Light!

Gaming for prizes

At TBWA\X we came up with all the concepts for the games. Each game was unique and had it’s own unique prizes that you could win. The rule was simple: achieve the minimum required points to get a chance to win!

App Content

McDonald’s also asked us to create content for in their app to push Getaway Island. Basically each campaign has it’s own ‘Eigen Middelen’. This stood for: Herocards (top image of the landingspage), Bannercards (tiles below the Hero) and Deal Coupons (Bannercards within your Deal Tray. Last but not least, we also had to create several EDM’s that were used to push the campaign outside the app.

Social & Display

To push Getaway Island even more, we were asked to create Social content and banners in several sizes. It was important to keep consistency and recognition.

McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's