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Production & Adaptation


Uber is a company that mediates between travelers and providers of passenger transport in different countries. The company connects customers in 71 countries with official taxi drivers, as well as private drivers, through the app.


I had to apply the rules and conditions that has been set by Uber’s HQ. They’ve invited me by that time to get a proper onboarding, which turned out to be quite a meaningful session at their office in Amsterdam.


Safety Never Stops was a global campaign that I’ve worked on. It was basically the first project that was rolling out the new visual identity of Uber. This was brought to life in several countries in both a digital and analog way. As a follow-up, I’ve worked on another campaign for Schiphol Airport. Look-and-feel it had a slightly different style. Meaning that we had to merge the ‘recognition’ of the big cities that the Netherlands has the offer. Not just Amsterdam, but Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague can’t be unseen. 

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